Portman Dental Care, based in Cheltenham, England and Dentex Health, based in London, England, have completed their merger, creating one of the largest privately focused dental groups in the UK and one of Europe’s largest dental care platforms. Both management teams have been working together to plan the smooth integration of the businesses which will happen over the course of 2023. The merger was enabled by a strong cultural alignment between the two DSOs.
Both Portman and Dentex are rapidly growing businesses. The strategic merger is expected to generate new professional opportunities to attract and retain clinical talent, as it allows for continued growth, as well as innovation.
While Dentex, which was founded in 2016, has exclusively focused on the UK, Portman currently has operations in five European countries and plans to expand further in the future. Core Equity Holdings, led by Arthur Delesenne, invested in Portman in 2018 when it was operating 84 UK practices. Over the past five years Portman has tripled the size of its business.
The combined business will operate over 375 practices, with more than 2,400 clinicians and 4,600 employees, providing dental care for over one and a half million patients per year.
“We are thrilled to have merged with Dentex. We believe there is an enormous amount that both businesses can learn from each other. The dental landscape is always changing, and our merger will help us tackle this, both in scale and innovation. It goes without saying that we share a deep commitment to clinical freedom, and this will not change. Together, we believe we can grow to become the dental partner of choice and an undisputed leader in high-quality dental services.” – Sam Waley-Cohen, CEO, Portman Healthcare International Group
Julie Ross, CEO, Portman UK
The new business will be led by Julie Ross, CEO Portman Dental Care UK and ROI. Julie completed her undergraduate studies at Cambridge University and her MBA at INSEAD in France and Singapore. She spent seven years working as a veterinary surgeon in the USA and UK before changing careers and entering the corporate world. She joined Portman in 2019.
Barry Lanesman and Nick Neto, who have been essential to Dentex’s growth and success, will retain important roles on the Executive Team and Board of the newly combined business.
“I am looking forward to embarking on the next phase of Dentex’s journey as we merge with Portman. There is so much we can learn from each other, while preserving the elements that have made both businesses so successful and unique. With the scale and investment that a merger brings, I believe we will be able to create a world-leading dental platform that better serves all our people: our patients, our practices and our teams.” -Barry Lanesman, CEO, Dentex
The Competition and Markets Authority has conditionally approved the transaction.