How to Build Momentum and Drive Growth Through Membership


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The second half of the year is the ideal time to sharpen your strategy with an emphasis on growth. Lately, a confluence of challenges ranging from staffing, inflation, rising interest rates, and stagnant reimbursements, has slowed DSO expansion and made it challenging to cover expensive overhead and salaries.

Often, an area of untapped potential is within your existing patient base and it has to do with how you offer dental coverage. Coverage forms the foundation of your practice. It determines everything important to you from how patients access care, what treatments they can receive, and your ability to be profitable.

Implementing a dental membership plan provides a clear path to greater recurring revenue and patient satisfaction. Here’s how driving growth through membership can benefit your business.

Increase patient satisfaction and loyalty

According to research by McKinsey & Company, a fundamental change of mind-set focusing on the customer, can create a 30% uplift in customer satisfaction. In fact, keeping a customer costs 5 times less than acquiring a new one. Good satisfaction and retention leads to a drastic reduction in acquisition costs and a much higher lifetime value. Even a 5% increase in retention can lead to an increase of 25% to 95% in your revenue.

True transformation often entails rethinking your core business model — or in this case, your coverage model. Insurance companies have created an expensive and overly complicated system that works for them, but not for patients or your practice. Currently, 100M Americans lack access to dental benefits, leaving practices with more uninsured and inactive patients in their database.

When patients go without dental coverage, they avoid the dentist and decline necessary treatments, putting their overall health at risk. By offering a dental membership plan, patients gain access to better, more affordable care that leads to higher rates of retention and satisfaction.

88% of members are more likely to stay with their current dentist.

Data from a 2023 Membersy member survey.

Increase PPV and create an alternative revenue stream

By making regular preventive care and treatments accessible through membership, you can transition your uninsured patients into loyal members, creating more opportunities to diagnose and treat additional issues early, thereby increasing production per visit.

Unlike traditional insurance reimbursements, which can be delayed or subject to reductions, membership plan patients pay for their subscription up-front and for any additional care at the time of treatment. Recurring member payments provide consistent cash flow, enabling you to forecast more effectively and invest in other areas of your business to drive growth.

Membership plan patients generate 154% more production and 157% more collections vs uninsured.

Data from a 2024 Kleer and Membersy practice analysis.

Key considerations for group and DSO leaders

While considering implementing a membership plan internally vs through a partnership with a plan provider, you should first ask yourself several key questions.

  • Will our team be able to effectively standardize implementation and measure success across locations?
  • Are we prepared to handle the complexities of managing member payments, renewals, and the usage of benefits?
  • Do we have the bandwidth to field patient inquiries and questions?
  • Are we capable of building a plan that’s DMPO compliant?

Evaluating these aspects can better determine your needs to support the growth and scalability of your plan. If choosing a reliable partner is your path forward, Kleer and Membersy provides all your practice needs to reach your goals, without any of the challenges that comes with administering your own plan.

  • Kleer and Membersy provide training to help teams feel confident in providing the plan to their patients. Plus, take member questions off your team’s plate with dedicated member support.
  • Kleer and Membersy provide a subscription solution that manages performance, automates renewals and handles billing, with both monthly and annual payment options available.
  • Integrate with your practice management system to easily enroll patients, track which savings have been used, and post payments. You can even automatically market and invite your uninsured patients to join.
  • You should be able to focus on growth, not regulations. Kleer and Membersy is licensed where you operate and keeps your plan DMPO compliant.

What’s next?

When implemented effectively, a membership plan provides a valuable way to engage more patients, boost loyalty, and secure scalable revenue.

If you’re interested in taking the next step with
Kleer and Membersy, reach out to a plan expert.

