Efficient Teams, Smoother Onboarding, Higher Profits – Smiles All Around


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Standardized Systems Improve Overall Success

When was the last time you took a good, hard look at your practice and recognized costs brought on by clinical inefficiencies like disorganization? For example, have you ever counted how many times a day someone has to leave the treatment room during a procedure to find a missing material or instrument? Not only is it a time killer, but it looks unprofessional to the patient, makes the dental practitioner flustered, and puts the team behind schedule.

The truth is, the costs of disorganized systems come to light in various manifestations including stress, loss of valuable time, confusion, hindered team communication, difficulties in training, and subpar patient experiences.

The fact is, there is simply no place for confusion or error in the dental operatory.

The bright side is, the source of these issues can be eliminated with thoughtful and intentional systems.

One such system that is proven to create more efficient teams, smoother onboarding, lower costs, and higher profits is a lean clinical workflow.

What is a lean clinical workflow?

A lean clinical workflow for the dental industry is aimed at creating clinical efficiency, reducing cost and waste of materials, improving staff training, and elevating the patient experience.

Believe it or not, this already exists and has been tested in numerous DSOs, Group practices, CHCs, and Multi-Locations and spoiler: it works. It’s called Color Method, and it’s a streamlined and efficient way to implement a lean clinical workflow into any practice.


Designed to enhance every facet of the clinical workflow, Color Method is not just a methodology; it’s a commitment to excellence and efficiency in an area of practices that is often overlooked. It’s a comprehensive framework that addresses the nuances of individual clinical processes while streamlining operations and allowing practitioners to focus on what truly matters – providing exceptional dental care.

How does Color Method work?

Let’s look at the specific products that aid in increased organization and efficiency. Zirc offers a wide selection of cassette holders for your hand instruments. This might not seem like an obvious place to improve efficiency, but by creating less time cleaning and locating instruments before a procedure, practices save valuable time. Individual instrument handling takes time away from treating patients and increases overall processing. Zirc’s Cassettes are a low-cost investment that can also prolong your instrument life.


By utilizing cassettes, the time consuming task of sorting a pile of dirty instruments into each procedure is eliminated. Having the cassettes stored on the same color covered tray keeps instrument set-ups together and easily identified, avoiding missing or incorrect instruments. Not to mention the B-Lok locking tray cover allows staff to safely carry dirty instruments back into the sterilization area to keep dental professionals compliant with OSHA and the CDC.


Take organization and color-coding one step further with matching colored procedure tubs. When utilized correctly, this tub becomes a portable drawer to house all of the procedure-specific materials. This makes it fast and easy to re-stock, keeps the materials organized, and everything easily accessible. Rather than having to stock two or three treatment rooms with all the same materials, you now only need to stock one tub (per practitioner) for each procedure.


Added bonus to beautiful, color-coded storage and organization? Imagine how nice these colorful, organized material set-ups look at chair-side for the patient. By utilizing the cassettes, trays, and tubs, the time spent in room turnover, set-up, and sterilization processes will be greatly reduced.

Don’t take our word for it…

Having successfully converted 10 practices and counting, watch Dr. Edward Coryell delve into the decision to implement Color Method and assess its positive impact on both the practices and the individuals.

The bottom line?

Disorganization impacts practices through increased stress, mistakes, lower morale, and wasted time, eroding the bottom line and compromising care and patient satisfaction. Embrace lean clinical workflow methodology to achieve remarkable improvements in operational efficiency, cost management, and team performance.

With standardized systems, new employees quickly acclimate, boosting confidence and morale and creating a desirable workplace. This environment allows every team member to perform at their best. Ready to watch costs dissolve and dental teams smile? Explore a new lean clinical workflow and unlock your practice’s full potential. With the right systems in place, the possibilities are endless.

Let’s get started!

Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or still not sure how? Zirc’s Consulting Services are the perfect place to start. With 16 colors and dozens of products, Zirc’s Color Method system will equip your dental team for success. Start with a Demo Call to get your questions answered.

Zirc’s clinical efficiency consultants can help you identify the problems, and navigate the implementation of a lean clinical workflow with Color Method. There isn’t a dental office out there that couldn’t benefit from more organization, less waste, and an increase in productivity and profitability.



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