3 Ways Call Tracking Can Optimize Marketing Efforts at Your Dental Practice

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As a motivated and results-driven dental practice or DSO, you are eager to grow your practice and reach more patients. You’ve invested in various marketing efforts – from local mailers to online PPC ads – but you’re not seeing the results you hoped for. Despite your best efforts, you find yourself struggling to convert phone calls into appointments and wondering where things might be going wrong. If this scenario resonates with you, rest assured, you’re not alone. Many dental practices face similar challenges in optimizing their marketing efforts to yield tangible returns.

The challenge facing these practices often isn’t that they’re not investing enough marketing dollars in their advertisements, it’s that they’re not tracking and capitalizing on the efforts that are driving true results. Comprehensive call tracking solutions offer an avenue to see both how much traffic your marketing efforts are generating, and which efforts are yielding optimal returns – namely, more booked appointments.

Here are three ways you can leverage call tracking to unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts.

1. Delve into Patients’ Online Journey

So your call tracking reporting indicates patients are calling you from your practice’s main website – great! But what referring sources led them to your website? Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) plays a crucial role in enhancing the marketing efforts of dental practices by tracking these website-based phone calls and attributing them to specific referring sources, keywords, or digital campaigns.

How does Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) work?

DNI is a technology used in online advertising and marketing campaigns. It dynamically swaps out phone numbers on a website based on the source that led a patient to visit the site. This allows practices to track which marketing channels or campaigns are driving phone calls, enabling them to measure the effectiveness of their online advertising efforts more accurately.

For example, if a patient clicks on your Google Business Profile listing and lands on your website, DNI will display a unique phone number to that patient. If another patient arrives at the same website through a Facebook Ad, DNI will display a different phone number associated with their unique session. By tracking the originating source of website call conversions, your dental practice or DSO can better understand which marketing channels are performing well and optimize your advertising strategies accordingly.

2. Educate and Inform Your Staff

While having access to source tracking is essential in determining the effectiveness of your campaigns, your staff members also play a critical role in ensuring your marketing dollars are driving results. Does your marketing team regularly meet with your phone handling staff to educate them on new marketing campaigns, discounts, and promotions? Is your staff armed with the phone training needed to confidently handle patient objections? Call tracking offers both technical solutions and training opportunities to ensure patient calls are optimally handled. One highly recommended solution offered by Call Box is a “whisper.” A whisper is a short sound bite played as soon as your staff picks up the phone that provides a word or short phrase about the call they’re about to handle. This serves to inform and better equip the phone handler about the call ahead. Many practices use this as an opportunity to inform staff about the advertisement that led the patient to call, such as “New Patient Promotional Mailer.” Instantly, your staff is informed that this is likely a new patient calling interested in the promotional offer from your recent mailer and can tailor their approach accordingly.

Furthermore, call tracking offers managers the opportunity to listen to calls and coach their staff on areas of opportunity. Call Box goes a step further and automatically tees up calls that weren’t optimally handled, such as when a patient’s call wasn’t answered, wasn’t converted into a scheduled appointment, or didn’t result in an optimal caller experience. When Call Box detects a call that may require follow-up, the technology will automatically send an immediate text or email alert to the appropriate individual with the missed opportunity call. This allows your team to quickly follow up with patients and salvage appointment opportunities that would have otherwise been lost, as well as train your staff on how that call could have been handled differently. You spend good money to get the phone to ring – don’t let poor phone skills be the reason you’re not seeing campaign results.

3. Analyze Data to Improve Performance

Finally, it’s critical to analyze your data and ensure you’re looking at the right metrics. Call conversion data allows practices to refine and optimize their marketing budget allocation by pinpointing which initiatives prompted patients to convert to a scheduled appointment. Unlike conventional call tracking reporting that only reports on call traffic per source, advanced solutions like Call Box offer detailed insights into caller interactions. You can identify which marketing initiatives prompted patients to reach out to your practice and analyze the outcome of those conversations, such as whether the call was connected to someone who could help or if an appointment was successfully booked. Armed with this comprehensive data, you can make more informed marketing decisions, ensuring your strategies are aligned with your practice’s goals and yield optimal results.

Call Box also uniquely reports on conversion rates and cost per conversion. By calculating the cost per conversion, you can better optimize budget allocation, and gain insight into the effectiveness of your ads in driving desired actions, like booking appointments. This helps ensure you’re getting the most out of your advertising spend and pivot when needed. Your marketing budget is limited. To ensure you are seeing a return on your investment, you want to place your advertisements in the right places and track the right metrics based on your practice’s goals.

 What’s Next?

By utilizing the insights and tools discussed here, you’ll be equipped to optimize your marketing efforts at your dental practice or DSO and drive more results. Embrace the data-driven approach to dental marketing, continuously refine your strategies, and see how your investments not only attract new patients but also cultivate enduring relationships with existing ones.

To learn more about Call Box’s unique solutions to enhance your practice’s marketing efforts and optimize your marketing spend, Click HERE!

