Achieving Practice Efficiency with Multi-Disciplinary Care Teams (Part 4 in a 4-part series)


Moving to the Future The most important key for unlocking the future of your multi-disciplinary care teams in more practices is to keep in mind the components of the value proposition to patients and care delivery innovation. Choose team members who are willing to perform their duties without mediocrity on a daily basis. They can be found or developed anywhere with a consistent template of care. Make certain your treatment rooms are systematically equipped, stocked, and laid-out for versatility and efficient time management, the highest productivity, and equal treatment capability. Create a sustainable eco-system of care protocols for any and all functions performed in your practice. Dr. John Kois has coined, “Always Rule,” doing things the same way all the time for optimum outcomes in the least amount of time. Guessing, at any level of treatment, wastes time and money. Lastly, keep technology congruent and current with practice needs, care team needs, and patient expectations, and be sure to utilize all available supportive technology with each existing patient and every new patient. Choose to be extraordinary at every touch point your patient will encounter, from hello to good-bye. Providing this structured, consistent, and optimized level of care will increase your patient base and team solidarity as they learn, grow, and serve with a greater capacity to care. How will you know it is working? Profitability is the measurement of innovative thinkers coming together to execute efficiently that which is needed by both the multi-disciplinary care team and the value proposition of each patient daily, if not hourly.

mullinsRhonda Gonano Mullins is the CEO and Managing Partner of Dentrepreneur Solutions, an Atlanta based design consulting firm for Dental Entrepreneurs. Her contribution to Solo, Multi and Large Group practices nationally has been, and continues to be, a passion with great persistence in impact and innovative solutions for this industry and it’s providers. 
